Create New User

Please complete this form to create your new user account - all of these fields are required except Middle Name. Your name, e-mail address, and choice of user name and password are enough for us to create an account and allow you to sign in next time. Once you have logged in to the site, you will be able to open your profile page and provide the additional information necessary to build a full user profile.

Please also select an easily remembered secret answer. If you forget your password in the future, you will be able to use the prompted answer as a backup way of signing in.

A strong password should have: length = 8, numeric characters = 1, upper case characters = 1, lower case characters = 1, symbol characters = 1.


Subscription Descriptions

Washington Update - newsletter which provides information about legislative updates, compliance issues, events, higher education data, and other relevant information on current issues. (Subscribers: College presidents, administrators, government relations staff, public relations and marketing staff, media, and others)

GovNet - shares legislative updates and action alerts, as well as specific requests for institutional expertise and information. (Subscribers: Campus government relations staff)
IRNet - updates on campus data reporting issues, such as IPEDS, the Department of Education's new College Accountability and Transparency lists, and other surveys or reporting requirements. (Subscribers: Campus institutional research staff)
PRNet - a source of media updates, press queries, requests for examples of campus innovation, and copies of legislative updates and action alerts sent to PresNet. (Subscribers: Campus public relations, communications, and marketing staff)
JobNet - created in response to numerous member requests, is a free service for sharing senior-level job openings at NAICU member colleges, including president, provost, and other cabinet-level positions. (Subscribers: Campus administrators tracking or posting such positions)